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Bachmann Caboose Refurbish

This started life as a Bobber Caboose as found in the big haulers set.  A strip down removing the wheels, chassis, and cupola from the main body, and then the ancillary items.  This was followed by a clean down and removal of the original decals, and a light wet and dry on the body and cupola.  The roofs and window openings were masked and the items were primed, and when dry sprayed with Burgundy Red.

Decals added to my liking, and a top coat of varnish.

The windows had clear acrylic sheet windows added, and the wheels exchanged for Bachmann metal wheels.

Detailing parts were bought from S & D models, cleaned, assembled as required, primed and painted black.  Following the instruction were then glued to the body.

The whole assembly reassembled:

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