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Bachmann 10-Wheeler Carrier

For sometime I have struggled getting my Bachmann 10-Wheeler "Annie" to the railway and back, especially as I like to keep the loco and tender coupled.

So a very basic base for a carry device, a piece of wood with two tracks routered out 45 mm apart, at flange depth, note the two holes on the centre line were for a piece of wood to be screwed underneath to hold the item in place whilst at work with the router.

The next job is to be able to "drive" Annie off and on the carrier. Enter a short length of Bachmann plastic track. Two small indents on the carry base to hold the track on the carrier (above on the left), and some tapering of the plastic track.

This meant loosing sleepers and hence the tracks parting. So when the wheels transition off the plastic track, (white) plasticard is used as supports for the wheel flanges, and the narrower (white) plasticard in the centre (40 mm wide) is to keep the wheels on track until the wheels are firmly on the railway.

The next issue was to hold this transition track in place, and ideally I would have fixed it to the carrier, but opted to use the rail-track to hold it in place, so a small block to fit between the sleepers was glued underneath.

A Trial run, a few bench tests had been carried out, but now for the real test, notice my new supervisor.

Does it work!!!

It was run (battery power) off and on a couple of times, carried out slowly but a great success, even ran it on forwards without issue.  

The angle is steep, but the only alternative would be a much long piece of transition track.

One last thing (for now) I don't want it running off the end.

Just need to manufacture the carry handles - more will follow as work to improve the items continues.

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